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社会化生活内容分享社区 www.theneeds.com

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Now... if only our day-to-day lives could be organized this well. Imagine how brilliant it would be to sort out the important from the not-so-important and be able to box up different parts of our lives and then have wise people whisper to us the things we could be missing out on. Well, that may not be so easy in the real world but online is a different story. theneeds is a news networking application that makes your whole Internet experience less cluttered and more intuitive by compartmentalizing the best and most important stuff on the net just as you like it. Then get automatic recommendations and suggestions for similar services and information from a like-minded people social community out there.
There is so much information available to is these days that the online experience is dangerously close to being broken. There are way too many disconnected sites for different things and its getting hard to keep up with what’s new or cool. What tends to happen is that users end up searching for the same things over and over again. Getting suggestions and sharing knowledge from people other than your social media friends is difficult especially if you are not sure exactly what you are looking for.
 Whether you just want to surf around or are looking for something specific, theneeds helps you


1  美国(33.5%)

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  • 1 社会化分享应用开发平台
  • 2 免费音乐及歌词分享网
  • 3 基于谷歌字体免费资源下载网
  • 4 3D模型制作平台
  • 5 网页设计软件开发平台
  • 6 Worktile 让工作更简单
  • 7 易信
  • 8 创意产品购物平台
  • 9 街头艺术资源分享网
  • 10 社交化信息跟踪提醒应用

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