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社交化信息跟踪提醒应用 www.slim.io

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I've been saying for some time that there is an optimum number of friends that are manageable on social networks. Realistically, having anything more than 200 Facebook friends makes scrolling through the various feeds almost a full time job. Many of them mean little of nothing to you and you will skip over them to get to the important stuff. Damned time consuming, isn't it? Now, add Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram and, what used to be a fun exercise, is starting to turn into a full time job. Slim is a new iOS social media productivity application that filters the important updates from your social networks and feeds them to you in one single page. This will save copious amounts of time many of us that feel as if we are nailed to our computers.
Slim discovers the most important updates from your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram - with more social networks to be added - so you can save time and never miss out on the important stuff ever again. Slim features a simple and secure process that sorts through your social networks and discovers the most import



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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 CloudFlare公司CDN节点

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