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免费音乐及歌词分享网 www.motolyrics.com

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We've all got an embarrassing story about misheard lyrics in songs that you think you are totally familiar with. Desmond Dekker's classic hit "The Israelites" always baffled me when I was a kid because I was convinced that Mr Dekker was telling me that his 'ears are alight.' Maybe you had to be there. Of late, there was a Foo Fighters song where I always wondered who the Allison was and why it was the last song he'd write to her. It wasn't until recently that I found out that Dave was singing "I listen, but your out of tune" and the song was about Kurt Cobain. MusicLyrics is a new music and song words application where you can not only find out what the lyrics are to a song but also, listen and watch a music video as well as finding more out about your favorite artists.
If you are interested in music just a little bit more than those who just like to listen to music or interested in knowing about events in the life of your favorite artist or group then this magazine style music app could be just what you are looking for. Maybe you want to know the exact lyrics of your favorite song and its translation then is exactly what you need. The app is a music entertainment project with the biggest, searc

内容提要:MotoLyrics.com is a music entertainment project with the biggest, searchable, regularly updated and free lyrics database featuring more than million song ...



1  俄罗斯(32.8%)
2  乌克兰(2.6%)
3  白俄罗斯(1.5%)

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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:俄罗斯

  • 1 基于谷歌字体免费资源下载网
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  • 6 创意产品购物平台
  • 7 街头艺术资源分享网
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  • 9 在线免费企业发票管理应用
  • 10 全球艺术设计交流社区

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