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街头艺术资源分享网 www.slamxhype.com

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Slamxhype was founded by Adam Bryce in 2003. Originally created as a portal to piece together street culture news in one place, whether it be the first sightings of street art, coverage of art shows, news of upcoming footwear or clothing or anything else; Slamxhype curates what it considers the best into one place for you to feed from.
While Slamxhype is widely considered the founder of a blog movement within this space, the digital phenonenon around street culture has led to a massive growth in awareness around something that at one point was kept underground with a genuine attitude of anarchy and challenge. Street Culture has become blurred with design, commerce, fashion and art, and with this Slamxhype has moved with the culture.
There are now numerous blogs and digital portals which capture Street Culture daily. Slamxhype prides itself in curating only the best and providing you with a measured delivery of only the relevant, news worthy and authentic.
In 2009 Adam Bryce and James Oliver founded print periodical The New Order. A print magazine published quarterly throughout the year, TNO provided an opportunity for the culture to be dissected further, and stories and art showcased in more detail. The magazine has one simple philosophy; creating



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  • 1 社交化信息跟踪提醒应用
  • 2 在线免费企业发票管理应用
  • 3 全球艺术设计交流社区
  • 4 现代艺术门户网
  • 5 插画艺术互动平台
  • 6 网站内部时尚引擎服务平台
  • 7 手机拍照内衣选购应用
  • 8 企业内部沟通协作平台
  • 9 越南音乐门户网
  • 10 创意T恤自定义购物网

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