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全球艺术设计交流社区 www.yatzer.com

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is your global online destination for fine and applied arts. An explosion of exclusive and unique contemporary resources for those searching for inspiration and crème de la crème media coverage!
is a global online destination for fine and applied arts. It comprises an explosion of wholly exclusive and unique contemporary resources for anyone searching for inspiration and the absolute crème de la crème from global media coverage! Each and every day, features captivating far-reaching news stories, interviews and reviews from the creative world, covering spheres such as design, architecture, travel, art, fashion, events etc.
was previously founded by the Greek interior designer, Costas Voyatzis, who has been named as one of the 100 most influential people in the design industry by French heavyweight Architectural Digest. Since its initial launch on January 21, 2007, .com, now owned by land Limited, has been acknowledged as one of the most indispensable sources for design inspiration and is now a point of reference and a much desired forum amongst designers for presenting their work.
 ’s traffic has steadily increased by almost 100% year on year, with an average


1  美国(19.6%)
2  意大利(9.9%)
3  英国(6.5%)
4  法国(6.2%)
5  希腊(5.9%)

petros koublis yatzer metropol parasol yabu pushelberg

网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 CloudFlare公司CDN节点

  • 1 现代艺术门户网
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  • 3 网站内部时尚引擎服务平台
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  • 5 企业内部沟通协作平台
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  • 7 创意T恤自定义购物网
  • 8 杰米凯文摄影博客
  • 9 创意摄影纪录片团队
  • 10 基于兴趣爱好的无广告社交平台

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