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企业内部沟通协作平台 www.slack.com

美国 点击(1865) 全球(246)

企业内部沟通协作平台 直达网站 直达网站

企业内部沟通协作平台是一个将分散的沟通方式聚集到一个地方,邮件、IM、短信、类似 Yammer 的工具、企业内网和 Wiki 等,该平台由Flickr创始人创办。

除了整合沟通方式外, 还整合了文件分享系统,公司内所有共享文件,包括上传到 上的,还有储存在 Google Doc 或者 Dropbox 里的,通过内置的搜索工具,都能进行全文检索。 还整合了 Twitter、Zendesk、Crashlytics 和 Heroku 等服务,将他们的通知提醒、Bug 追踪等数据融入到公司内的信息流中。目的只有一个,做一个能解决公司内所有问题的工具。
Relax. Your team's communication problems? We've got that. brings all your communication together in one place.It's real-time messaging, archiving and search for modern teams.
Modern Messaging
Fast, flexible messaging for Mac, PC, iPhone, iPad & Android. Archived and organized as you go, with configurable alerts, notifications and sync so you never miss a beat.
Any File, Anywhere
Share, serve, star & comment on files. Images, PDFs, text snippets, zips —even files you store elsewhere, like Google Docs— are all indexed & accessible wherever you go.
Universal Search
is built around search from the ground up. It captures everything you put in. Slice, dice, filter, sort and winnow: you'll find what you need faster.
is just fun to use. We've used a lot of tools to engender productivity – agile tools, bug trackers, task managers – and they become all about the tools. gets out of the way and allows us to communicate as if we're in the same room.


1  美国(23.9%)
2  印度(11.2%)
3  日本(10.0%)
4  英国(4.6%)
5  法国(4.1%)

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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 华盛顿州西雅图市亚马逊(Amazon)公司数据中心

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