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40天恋爱实验网 www.fortydaysofdating.com

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40天恋爱实验网是一段为期 40 天恋爱实验项目的产物,该网站以图、文、视频的形态讲述了两个好朋友之间的真实的恋爱实验。

Jessica Walsh 和 Timothy Goodman 本是一对好友,同为自纽约设计师,这一男一女在寻找真爱情的路上遇到了截然相反的困境,Jessica 是个悲观浪漫主义,往往深陷其中无以自拔,Timothy 则害怕在爱情中承担责任,常常在爱情中做游戏。他们是如何寻求出路的呢?

他们开始了一个实验:相约开始一次为期 40 天的恋爱实验,并把他们的故事与许许多多网友分享。他们正在两人共同的网站 40daysofdating 上讲述着这个故事。这场恋爱开始于 2013 年 7 年 10 号,预计结束于 8 月 22 日,这是我所听闻的Zhui不可思议的现实版网络剧。关注他们的生活、阅读他们的故事已成为这些天来我生活中的必修课。
40daysofdating 这样一个实验启示了互联网蕴藏的创新可能性。当作为媒体生产者的个体把网络和移动互联网当作个性化、全新的介质时,这将导致全新媒体形态的生成,人们无须再从既有的媒介内容中提取素材再改编成数字内容。
What do you do when you’re tired of the prospect of dating? Two good friends with opposite relationship problems found themselves single at the same time. As an experiment, they dated for 40 days.
Love is a central theme in humanity across time and cultures. It’s one of the main topics in music, film, novels, poetry, and art. But what exactly is it, and why do we all approach it so differently? How does it affect us so deeply that sane people have gone mad over it?
The dating life in New York City can grow tiresome and wearing. Tim is afraid of commitment, often dating many girls at once, and he’s losing sight of what a healthy relationship means. Jessica is a hopeless romantic, jumping into relationships too quickly, always looking to find “the one.”
It’s been said that it takes 40 days to change a bad habit. In an attempt to explore and hopefully overcome their fears and inadequacies, Tim and Jessica will go through the motion



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