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互联网创业众筹平台 www.youvegotfunds.com

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At YouveGotFunds, our website connects your new ideas with the world and our business development experts like no other crowdfunding site out there! Not only do we help you get funding, but we also help you create, monitor, and execute your business plan and advise you how to maximize your success!
Need a business license or info on domain names? We can take care of that! Want to file a patent to protect your design? Piece of cake. Our network of professionals can help you with that too. We can assist you with a To Do list, estimate your financial costs and provide you with a roadmap for marketing. If you need a logo or a website, we have expert designers that can bring your presence to the web and optimize its’ visibility within a matter of days.
YouveGotFunds is dedicated to funding your next big idea. Whether it’s a new business, film, CD, art project, invention, personal cause or technology, we believe in your creativity. We help you gain exposure to a wider audience, find funding and market your concept to transform your dream into reality.




网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国

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