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基于YouTube免费电影库是一个以社区为基础的在线电影平台,通过不同的算法机制来查找youtube上的电影,用户可以通过导演、时间、流派来进行电影查找,所以的电影都是基于youtube视频网站上的免费电影而来。Pegleg is a service that lets you watch full length movies on YouTube for free. Pegleg was made for film-lovers. It’s a community-based approach to watching great films and giving back to your fellow cinephiles. It helps you find films on YouTube and share them with the rest of us.Pegleg was made for film-lovers. It's a community-based approach to watching great films and giving back to your fellow cinephiles. It helps you find films on YouTube and share them with the rest of us. Watch the films you love, discover films you never knew about and Pegleg films you find along the way.