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全球招聘求职发布平台 www.staff.com

印度 点击(1713) 全球(213721)

全球招聘求职发布平台 直达网站 直达网站


is an easy way for you to get a job with companies in the US, Canada, Australia, UK and all around the world. You work from home on your computer.
You get paid into your bank account twice a month. You are paid a full time or part time salary, however you are required to do 160 hours (full time ) or 80 hours (part time) for the month. If you do not complete 160 hours or 80 hours, your pay may be reduced. Your hours are monitored using the Time Doctor software which will track how many hours you have worked on your computer. This software will take screenshots of your computer screen to confirm that you are working.
You can be paid via direct money transfer in the Philippines, via a debit card in other countries, or via wire transfer. You don't need to "request" payment, you will automatically get paid every 2 weeks once you have set up your payment method. Before getting paid you will need to confirm your identity with us with a scanned form of identification. If you are paid via debit card you will need to receive the card in the mail before receiving your first payment.


1  印度(23.7%)
2  菲律宾(23.4%)
3  美国(19.2%)

staff staff.com outsourcing companies paypal payroll

网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:韩国 首尔亚马逊(Amazon)公司数据中心

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