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全球创意协作平台 www.talenthouse.com

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全球创意协作平台 直达网站 直达网站

全球创意协作平台是一个连接有抱负的人才,通过才艺众包的方式协作创新的平台,该平台成立于2009年,由Amos Pizzey,Roman Scharf创办,后来被Telefonica收购。

Talenthouse is the world’s platform for creative collaboration, connecting aspiring talent, established artists and brand advertisers. Artists always retain ownership of their own work using Talenthouse as a platform to collaborate, grow their audience and monetize their work. Brands choose Talenthouse to engage in a dialogue with consumers in an entertaining, relevant and credible context.
Celebrated icons and global brands like Nokia, Playstation, Oracle, Universal Music, bing, 20th Century Fox, adidas, Nikon, Warner Music, Microsoft, HP, Justin Timberlake, Rihanna, U2, Lady Gaga, deadmau5, Dolce & Gabbana, Paul McCartney, Tom Ford, Stan Lee, Eric Clapton and Linkin Park are among many who have turned to Talenthouse to build brand visibility and awareness across and beyond the social web. Talenthouse is where artists and brands engage to build an authentic community that rewards creativity and unlocks the value of collaboration.


1  印度(19.1%)
2  美国(14.0%)
3  英国(8.7%)
4  德国(7.3%)
5  奥地利(6.8%)

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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 伊利诺伊州芝加哥Server Central网络公司

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