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Web Widget,中文译名被称作是微件,是一小块可以在任意一个基于HTML的Web页面上执行的代码,它的表现形式可能是视频,地图,新闻,小游戏等等。它的根本思想来源于代码复用,通常情况下,Widget的代码形式包含了DHTML,JavaScript以及Adobe Flash。
Web Widget可以向一个基于HTML的Web页面上添加一些动态内容。它可能是点击计数器,实时股票信息以及航班信息等等。通常情况下,一个Widget的功能都是由第三方提供的代码实现的,而Web开发者,只需要将这些代码块嵌入自己的页面即可。其实,在万维网发展的早期,Web开发者就已经尝试在他们的页面中嵌入一些第三方开发的代码块,不过这些代码块早期的功能通常都是一些诸如链接计数,或者广告标识(en:Web banner)之类的。
Web Widget可以被视作是小型的可下载应用程序,不过这些应用程序都是运用一些Web技术来得以实现的,包括JavaScript,HTML以及CSS等。Web Widget通常都需要依赖一些公开的WebAPI。这些API可能是由浏览器公开,或者是由一些Widget引擎公开。
Protopage is your own personal page, which you can access from any computer or mobile phone.Use it to read your own selection of news and blogs, keep bookmarks, to-do lists, sticky notes, and much more.
You can choose your own selection of news from thousands of sources.To read a news article, click the headline inside the news widget.There are thousands of different widgets that you can add to your page.
To see the list of available widgets, click the 'Add widgets' button at the top of the page.Most news sites and blogs make their headlines available to Protopage using a technology called RSS.
To add a news site or blog to your Protopage, simply click the 'Add widgets' button, enter the web address, and click 'Go'.Your widgets are arranged into columns. You can drag and drop widgets to re-arrange them by clicking and dragging the title bar.
You ca

内容提要: Use Protopage to read RSS news feeds, RSS feeds from blogs and from other RSS podcasts and cartoon/video feeds. Protopage uses the latest Web 2.0 ...



1  美国(67.9%)
2  加拿大(6.8%)
3  印度(5.1%)
4  英国(4.9%)
5  西班牙(3.0%)

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