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优秀网页设计展示平台是一个展示互联网上Zhui优秀的网页设计的平台,用户可以提交自己的网站,所有的网站收录都是经过人工审核的,目前已经收录2000多中风格各异的优秀网站设计资源。siteInspire is a showcase of the finest web and interactive design.Browse 2,893 sites by style, type, or subject, or just see the very best. Websites are chosen and curated by Howells—Studio.We look for cleanliness and simplicity without excessve gimmicks or decoration. Sites that use Flash unnecessarily won't be featured (though appropriate Flash sites are not excluded). Sites that force the browser's size will not be accepted. Sites with broken images or obvious visual errors won't be featured (because we can't take a nice screenshot). Also, sites that feature "award ribbons" are not featured (because award ribbons are a quick way to make a site ugly).