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女孩家居装饰DIY博客网 www.makelyhome.com

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Makely School for Girls – your go-to guide for taking decorating risks in your home.You want your home to be unique and inspired. You want to push the decorating envelope so that your friends will think you are a genius. And you want to do it all with a tiny budget.
Great! You’ve come to the right place.Makely School for Girls is the place to find tips, tricks, tutorials and inspiration for creating a unique space that you are proud to call home. Whether you are looking to rehab a tired piece of furniture or paint a bold pattern on your walls, we’ve got you covered. While many of the ideas found here focus on vibrant and eclectic living, the same techniques can be applied to those interested in other decorating styles.
Always budget conscious while never taking decorating (or ourselves) too seriously, Makely School for Girls is your home’s home away from home. Or something like that.
I don’t know how to put this, but I’m kind of a big deal. People know me. I have many leather bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany. -Ron Burgundy
Okay, not really. I don’t have any leather bound books, I don’t live in an apartment, and I’m not sure if I have any mahogany furniture – if I do, it’s likely been painted yellow. What I do have is a really fun and popular website.
Makely School for Girls is the reinvention of


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