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大学生就业求职平台 www.internmatch.com

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学生可以在他们的网站上观看公司视频,寻找机会,学习面试礼仪等各种相关的专题。 称自己的网站每月的独立学生访客超过 65 万。学生可以免费访问网站,但是企业必须付费才能发布就业机会和展示自己。
At we know how hard finding the right internship can be. That’s why we built to be the #1 place to find internships and offer students all the internship resources you need to master the application process.
All of our expert resources, from downloadable résumé templates to cover letter guides and interview advice are totally free for students so you can find your perfect internship without breaking your bank.
When you are ready to apply, we have one of the largest selections of paid internships anywhere with a focus on amazing business internships and hard-to-find non-profit positions. These include the biggest companies like CBS and Pixar, as well as small and dynamic industry leaders like HootSuite. One of our biggest areas of focus are IT internships, where the most elite engineering students can work at top tech companies like salesforce.com and NetApp to tackle big, challenging projects in a fast-paced work environment.
Or do you want to change the world? works with a number of leading non-profit organizations and has positions available in micro-finance, environmental sustainability and social justice. If t



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