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詹姆斯健康运动分享博客 www.jamesclear.com

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A weightlifter, travel photographer, and an entrepreneur, Clear describes himself as “just a country boy trying to make a difference”. With his friendly and down-to-earth writing, he comes across as a nice person who might as well be living next door to you. His blog is an interesting blend of of scientific research and hands-on experiments geared toward helping readers improve their habits as well as their physical and mental health.
Clear makes even major life changes sound simple and easy to accomplish. I highly recommend reading his 45-page guide on transforming your habits. It teaches how to make certain psychological factors work to your advantage to create long-lasting good habits for yourself. You can download the guide as a PDF for free by signing up for email updates of the blog. Also, watch out for Clear’s monthly photo essay, which is a rich exploration of a place or a theme from his travels.


1  美国(33.8%)
2  印度(17.6%)
3  英国(5.9%)
4  加拿大(2.8%)
5  巴基斯坦(2.2%)

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