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单词收集学习应用 www.lingua.ly

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Pick the language that you want to learn. The “Read” section updates with articles that are personalized around your topic interests. Collect words from the foreign language articles and learn their translated meanings in your mother tongue. You can also type or paste words into the dictionary, and get the native translations. Lingua.ly helps you customize your learning with interactive flash cards and practice games. For instance, you can associate pictures with the new words to help with recall. Pictures add context and with the flash cards you can drill through to gain a richer vocabulary.
You can keep adding to your personal dictionary, either with the app or via the Chrome extension. The Read section continuously gets smarter and tries to serve articles with your words in them, so you can learn how they are actually used in real contexts.
Try the app if you are getting into learning a foreign language and need to practice more. Come back and tell us if it’s helping you add a few more extra words while you are on the move.


1  美国(28.2%)
2  意大利(7.3%)
3  印度(6.8%)
4  西班牙(3.4%)
5  英国(3.3%)

lingua best language to learn language exchange websites lingualy

网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 华盛顿州西雅图市AWS有限公司EC2云服务器8号云机房

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