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在线足球歌曲分享网 www.fanchants.com

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We are , we are fans. We live and breathe football. Our mission is simple - we bottle the sounds of the terraces and put the passion of match day in your pocket.
If you’re anything like us, you’ll reckon the best thing about football is the banter, the wit and the passion that you only get from being crammed in next to a few thousand (or hundred) of your fellow die-hard fans.
When your team scores it's the ultimate high. You jump, you dance, you scream. Nothing else matters. is a tribute to the passion of the fans. The game may be increasingly about the money, the business, the suits and the prawn sarnies but we all know it would die on its arse without the real fans.
A core team of 6 people now run .com, mainly as a labor of love. But it’s not just us – you are an integral part of too; many of our chants and lyrics have come from you and many start on and end up on the terraces.
Mission Statement We aim to be the beating heart of the terraces; to collect and archive all lyrics and audio of football chants past, present and future and to act as a forum for fans to share the wit, the banter and rivalry of the terraces - in all countries, for all teams. So c'mon, get stuck in



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