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在线生活方式分享杂志 www.elephantjournal.com

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We’re dedicated to sharing the good life beyond the choir, and to all those who didn’t yet know they give a care about living a good, fun life that’s good for others, and our planet. The mindful life is about yoga, organics, sustainability, conscious consumerism, enlightened education, the contemplative arts, adventure, bicycling, family…everything. But mostly it’s about this present moment, right here, right now, and how we can best be of benefit, and have a good time doing so.
Elephant has been around for 11 years. We started off as a magazine. But after going national in Whole Foods and such, we wanted to further “green” our ways (we were already printed on state-of-the-art ecopaper). Thing is, the bigger you get as a magazine, the fewer copies, percentage-wise, you sell. We were unwilling to join all the other magazines in selling only three out of 10, and wasting the rest (magazines get milled, printed, bounded, shipped from China typically [we were US], shipped another five times…it’s incredibly wasteful after all of that to waste seven out of 10 copies, which can’t even really be recycled—getting inks out of magazine paper is super energy-intensive).


1  美国(44.5%)
2  印度(12.0%)
3  加拿大(5.2%)
4  英国(4.6%)
5  澳大利亚(4.2%)

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  • 1 苹果系统开源游戏模拟器工具
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  • 6 星空天文网
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  • 10 公平价二手车评估平台

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