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唯美文本主题制作分享应用是一个提供web版和移动应用版的精美文字排版设计分享工具,帮助用户通过把你想要分享的句子设计成一副非常精美的界面,由专业的设计师精心策划制作的背景集合,把你的唯美段子自动格式化用以搭配上精美的布局模式。一句话是非常普通的样子,尽管用精美的文字来修饰也只能起到一点点辅助的作用而已,然而Notegraphy却可以很容易的创作主题化的样式,让你分享到各大社会非常的拉风。比如说你想要分享一句话,或者一个故事,你就可以使用这个工具来设计整个界面,要搭配的主题样式,内置有90多种不同的主题样式让你选择,就比如有很多人喜欢不精美的图片里加上名言、谚语等内容。Notegraphy is not just about sharing to other social networks, it’s aspiring to become one itself. Why do I say aspiring? Because right now, there isn’t much going on in the social aspect of the site, but this might change as the community grows.When you explore or search Notegraphy for interesting texts, you’ll notice something that might not make much sense at first: notes are categorized under terms such as “thanks for the inspiration”, “thanks for the story”, etc.