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在线儿童虚拟宠物乐园 www.animaljam.com

美国 点击(1370) 全球(31556)

在线儿童虚拟宠物乐园 直达网站 直达网站


Animal Jam is an online virtual playground for children who love animals and the outdoors, and is the result of an ongoing creative collaboration between Smart Bomb Interactive and National Geographic Society. Our goal is to provide a fun, exciting, and safe environment for kids to play online, while inspiring them to explore and protect the natural world outside their doors. Animal Jam is free from outside advertising and adheres to a strict privacy policy.
The world of Jamaa is ever-changing. We strive to ensure we’re constantly engaging players in fun and enriching game play, while educating them about their role in conserving the planet. With players spanning the globe, we introduce them to the fundamentals of socialization, teamwork, creativity, and global awareness. Bullying is never tolerated, and online safety is regularly taught to players and parents alike.


1  美国(68.4%)
2  加拿大(6.6%)
3  英国(3.8%)
4  澳大利亚(2.8%)
5  阿根廷(2.6%)

animal jam animal aj an animaljam

网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 华盛顿州西雅图市亚马逊(Amazon)公司数据中心

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