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Twitter信息阅读管理平台 www.tweetbits.com

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在Twitter上都有收藏夹,有些人认为非常实用,但是普遍用户都认为它非常的不实用,主要是不易于管理,尤其是想要找自己喜欢的内容的时候,非常的麻烦。Tweetbits 这个工具就不一样了,可以把你的订阅分类管理,Zhui新的内容都是排在第一位,还可以通过你设置的颜色来区分不同的内容,分门别类颜色区分的方式让你的Twitter信息管理变的非常有调理和易于查找。
Tweetbits started as a small personal project app that allowed me and my partner to easily save, organize and read tweets later. Since 2010 we used it on many occasions for quick solutions in marketing, collecting links in veriaty of categories, building personal timelines and more. In 2013, we decided to move Tweetbits into a private beta to see how others might use it and see its usability, if its overall functional and if others see it as useful as we did. After just few weeks, we got a awesome response from over 400 private beta sign ups, whom successfully signed up and used Tweetbits on daily basis.
Through 2013, We designed Tweetbits to offer you a more effective solution to handle the organization and storing of tweets from Twitter.
Tweetbits is designed to make your life easier with a smarter way to organize, store and share the great content you find on Twitter. Simply, use Twitter as you would through out the day and save or favorite the tweets that most interest you and rather then having them disorganize in Twitter custom timeline or hash

内容提要:TweetBits:Twitter信息阅读管理平台是一个在线管理Twitter订阅内容的阅读平台,用户可以像阅读RSS新闻源一样规整自己的订阅源把不同的内容资源进行分类 ......



网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:北美地区

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