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在线专业生活视频教程网 www.grokker.com

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视频教程播客平台成立于2012年,由Lorna Borenstein创办,她是一位退休的互联网高管,热爱瑜伽和美食烹饪,退休以后把自己的爱好发挥的淋漓尽致,并自己创办了这个视频播客平台,通过聘请专业的人士录制视频教程,高质量的视频内容吸引了广大妇女的青睐,收罗了大批的粉丝,从此该播客平台步入正规。
– is a site with lots of expert video lessons in cooking, yoga, and fitness. Each of the three sections is broken down into lots of detailed sub-categories, and everything is free to watch. To watch the full video requires registering, otherwise you will only see a preview.
The seeds of were sown in 2012 when CEO and Founder, Lorna Borenstein, a retired internet executive, avid yogini and home chef, was on vacation with her husband and three children. Thinking she lived in the age of easy access to great video, Lorna brought her iPad on holiday, and planned to spend the trip cooking amazing meals and practicing yoga from videos starring noted experts. To her great surprise and frustration these Premium Expert Videos simply didn't exist.
And so, was born from Lorna's pursuit of passion.
In Robert A. Heinlein's iconic novel Stranger in a Strange Land, to Grok "means to understand so thoroughly that the observer becomes a part of the observed,” to say you are a is to claim that you have been transformed. That's what we're all about at ; transformation through connection. We are here to connect YOU (the pass

内容提要:The best Yoga, Fitness, and Cooking video classes taught by expert instructors. With Grokker you will stay inspired, m...



1  美国(65.5%)
2  英国(8.8%)

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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 华盛顿州西雅图市亚马逊(Amazon)公司数据中心

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