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高端数字艺术分享平台 www.depthcore.com

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Depthcore平台由Justin Maller and Kevin Stacey联合创办,该平台汇集了来自世界各地的艺术家,他们在这里探讨创作技术和灵感,超酷的灵感设计引爆你的眼球,这个网站绝对有收藏的必要,喜欢的用户赶紧去看看吧。
Depthcore is an international art collective focused on modern digital art, incorporating illustration, photography, animation and audio. Established by Justin Maller and Kevin Stacey in 2002, our membership is comprised of artists from all over the world, united by their love for art, and their passion for innovation.
The group was established to provide a showcase for the best in modern craftsmanship, and to serve as a home for skilled practitioners of digital craft. Our private Artist Panel facilitates the daily interaction and collaboration that helps provide each of us the momentum and inspiration we collectively use to develop our work, and further our artistic pursuits.
Nine years in to our journey, through myriad shared experiences of time spent working together, of careers growing in tandem and of meetings and festivals throughout the world, the members of Depthcore continue to grow closer. Even as we transcend our ephemeral beginnings with our tangible endeavours, we continue to strive to create innovative and unique collections of work that represent who and what we are; a group of friends, a collective of artists, communicating and creating in a digital age.
With every Chapter we release, and every project we undertake, we aim to help each oth



justin maller matei apostolescu depthcore justinmaller pat perry

网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 加利福尼亚州洛杉矶县卡尔弗市Media Temple股份有限公司

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