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创意灵感故事分享网是一个基于图片模式的类似卡通的文学故事分享平台,提供的内容质量都非常好,而且配合简单的文字,可以全屏flash方式阅读。平台聚集了很多作家、读者和不同年龄段的艺术家,他们创建分享独特的视觉故事作品,发自己的灵感加入艺术元素创造做了非常具有观赏性的插画和漫画作品。Storybird lets anyone make visual stories in seconds. We curate artwork from illustrators and animators around the world and inspire writers of any age to turn those images into fresh stories.It's a simple idea that has attracted millions of writers, readers, and artists to our platform. Families and friends, teachers and students, and amateurs and professionals have created more than 5 million stories—making Storybird one of the world's largest storytelling communities.