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美国青少年文学杂志 www.teenink.com

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a national teen magazine, book series, and website devoted entirely to teenage writing, art, photos and forums. Students must be age 13-19 to participate, register and/or submit work. Distributed through classrooms by English teachers, Creative Writing teachers, Journalism teachers and art teachers around the country, Teen Ink magazine offers some of the most thoughtful and creative work generated by teens and has the largest distribution of any publication of its kind. We have no staff writers or artists; we depend completely on submissions from teenagers nationwide for our content.
We offer teenagers the opportunity to publish their creative work and opinions on the issues that affect their lives - everything from love and family to teen smoking and community service. Hundreds of thousands of students have submitted their work to us and we have published more than 55,000 teens since 1989.
The Young Authors Foundation, Inc. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization that supports all Teen Ink publications. The foundation is devoted to helping teens share their own voices, while developing reading, writing, creative and critical-thinking skills. All proceeds from the print magazine, website and Teen Ink books are used exclusively for charitable and educational


1  美国(54.3%)
2  印度(7.0%)
3  加拿大(3.2%)
4  菲律宾(2.6%)
5  韩国(2.6%)

why is diversity important importance of diversity

网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 得克萨斯州圣安东尼奥市Rackspace Hosting公司

  • 1 3D场景电影制作平台
  • 2 基于云端媒体广告平台
  • 3 基于B2B2C模式的婚礼照片聚合应用
  • 4 在线幸福心理教学平台
  • 5 精准天气预报预测应用
  • 6 在线WEB远程桌面控制平台
  • 7 要出发
  • 8 一点资讯
  • 9 基于Chromium浏览器制作平台
  • 10 家庭破坏者曝光网

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