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精准天气预报预测应用 www.skymotion.com

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提供iPhone和Android版手机应用,可以精准的预测未来2小时内的天气情况,打开Sky Motion,将你需要计划的时间段输入进去,它就会告诉你在特定地点内,下雨的概率会有多大。其他天气应用也会给你些大概信息,但是Sky Motion是Zhui准确而精细的那一个。你也可以在社交网站上分享所有的这些信息,更何况它是免费的,还有什么理由不用它呢?
We seem to be more obsessed with the weather nowadays than ever before. Mind you, it's hardly surprising seeing the bizarre and often life-threatening weather conditions that have been prevalent in the last few years. Who said there's no such thing as climate change? With weather conditions becoming more and more extreme it could be more than useful to have absolutely up to date and very accurate information. It could save your life one day. is a 100% up to the minute interactive weather app for iPhone and Android that delivers detailed weather information across the US and Canada.
is a great looking free smartphone weather application that claims to be able to let you know exactly when precipitation will start and end for your exact location. so nw you can plan the next two hours with precise knowledge of how precipitation will impact you, your family or your business. is a precise and reliable hyperlocal app that uses GPS to give accurate data by being able to

内容提要:Sky Motion Research develops ultra-short-term and highly-localized weather forecasting technologies. About us Contact us Contact us Terms of use Privacy ...




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