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在线字体设计托管平台是由美国的Adobe系统公司在2011年收购一个让设计者和开发者基于订阅的字体托管库网站,帮助用户用Zhui简单的方法在网络上使用Zhui完美的字体。Typekit 平台拥有超过250,000家客户,其中包括一些Zhui大的网站如纽约时报、康泰纳仕、IGN、微博等,同时也支持一些程序字体托管到该平台,例如我们Zhui熟悉的WordPress、TypePad等。Typekit is a service which allows subscribers to embed fonts into online documents.It allows designers and developers a subscription-based library of hosted, high-quality fonts to use on their websites.Typekit is available to the public and allows subscribers to get access under a single licensing agreement to the Typekit font library, which, as of April 2012, consists of more than 700 typefaces from a variety of foundries.The fonts are offered as a standalone service and as part of Adobe's Creative Cloud.