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基于Twitter的足球实时比分应用 www.footytwits.com

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可以让你选择喜欢的球队和相关的微博热门消息,观看球迷们的Zhui新爆料, 目前已经整理了不同国家的200多个球队。
is the perfect Twitter application for football fans because it lets you see everything from live scores, squad details and news without having to switch from one app to another.
 It is the first Twitter app in the world that lets you select your favorite soccer team(s) and see a live feed of all the related tweets being written about them at the time. This way, you’ll be able to “see” live matches through Twitter and get the latest news, scores and rumors as well as all the up-to-date witty banter and news - literally at your fingertips.
 But it's on match days that really shines turns into a whole different experience. You can use the app to find like-minded football fans, see live scores and read what they write. For those of you out there who like to bet on your team you’ll have privileged access to another important stream of information before splashing your cash and making your bet.



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