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is a blog dedicated to share top quality open source resources for web developer and web designer daily. As a web designer, you’ll find some of the best free icons, stock photos, brushes, fonts and design inspirations. As a web developer, you’ll also find some of the best Javascript and Ajax components like modal windows, menus,galleries, tooltips, charts, calendars plugins and a lot more …
Nowadays, there are over hundred thousands of resources available on the internet. Instead of spending time on researching for the ones you need, we pick the top quality and the best ones for you, so that you can concentrate on your web development.
All of the open source resources are categorized into different type of licenses, Creative Commons, BSD, GPL, LGPL, MIT and License Free, so that you can easily pick the most suitable resources for your projects according to the nature of your projects.


1  印度(17.5%)
2  墨西哥(8.0%)
3  美国(8.0%)
4  法国(7.7%)
5  意大利(6.7%)

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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 加利福尼亚州布瑞亚市DreamHost公司

  • 1 在线摇滚音乐托管平台
  • 2 基于Twitter的足球实时比分应用
  • 3 美国SquareUP移动支付服务平台
  • 4 社会化在线会议管理平台
  • 5 在线可订做式创意产品购物网
  • 6 在线免费动漫视频网
  • 7 FIR.im
  • 8 智能3D手机拍照应用
  • 9 智能读书阅读剪切板应用
  • 10 智能事件追踪记录提醒应用

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