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基于社交分享的相机 www.theqcamera.com

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TheQ是Q Lifestyle设计的一款专门针对社交分享的相机。公司创始人表示他的这个想法已经酝酿了两年。TheQ是一款带有500万像素摄像头,F2.4大光圈的DC(数码相机)。机身正面围绕镜头是一圈LED闪光灯。机器在操控上非常简单,一共只有4个键(功能键、分享、快门以及带闪光的快门),外加一块不带触屏功能的显示。TheQ支持2G和3G网络,插入SIM卡就能直接把相片分享到社交网络了。
另外相机还自带2G存储,Q Lifestyle同时给用户提供不限量的云盘。比较值得一提的是,这款相机机身仅有120克,而且支持IP67的防水指标(1米水深能顶半小时)。TheQ的防水功能——鉴于当前大部分的手机都不防水,所以在游泳沙滩这种情境下,这台相机很好用。
Like many of the best stories, theQ's story starts in a bar. While on a night out drinking, our founders – Joe, Brandon and Andrea – were discussing how easy it would be to invent flying cars when they happened upon a much more pressing issue. As it turned out, not one of them was happy with their digital camera. Clearly, something needed to be done. Necessity is the mother of invention, and our intrepid founders really needed a camera that didn't suck, so naturally it wasn't long before they were asking each other "why don't we just design one that we like?"
 Well, the obvious answer was that they knew next to nothing about making cameras – or business, for that matter – but they weren't about to let the minor details like those stand in the way of building their dream camera. They knew exactly what they wanted from it, after all – they just needed to figure out how to make it happen. And it wasn't like they were clueless, they had a background of industrial design, plenty of adverti



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