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电子产品硬件评测网 www.hwbot.org

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HWBOT started as a school task, but due to large success development continued after graduation. For the first 18 months the HWBOT crew existed solely from Richba5tard, a former Madshrimps reviewer. As popularity tripled each 6 months, additional crew members were necessary.
Things really sped up when Mtzki joined, intellectual father of some key HWBOT features like HWBoints. Once Saucy joined, a walking video card library, the video card database grew significantly, making HWBOT an excellent resource for video card specifications. Sadhiq recently joined to maintain the processor specifications, at which he’s doing a great job too. Massman is our primary result moderator, who looks after the validity and consistency of the submitted benchmark result, removing all cheaters instantly.
Since October 1st 2009, Massman is working on the development of HWBot full time, supported by RichBa5tard who is still taking care of the coding side of this project.


1  中国(30.0%)
2  法国(11.9%)
3  意大利(10.5%)
4  德国(10.3%)
5  英国(6.2%)

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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:爱尔兰 都柏林Amazon数据中心

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