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在线家用车库租赁平台 www.stowthat.com

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在线家用车库租赁平台 直达网站 直达网站

在线家用车库租赁平台是一个帮助有闲置家用车库的居民在线出租并获得租赁的空间租赁交易平台,在 网站上免费提交车库面积等信息,网站会根据平方数折出租赁价。

目前一个仅能容纳 1 辆车的小车库租价在 180 美元 / 月左右,能容纳 3 辆车的车库租价在 450 美元 / 月左右。美国人贪多,总是愿意往家里不断顺东西,顺到Zhui后家里都装不下。正是这一嗜好给美国创造了一个价值 220 亿美元的仓储行业。
目前网站可供租赁的车库还非常少。 CEO 兼联合创始人 Joe Mele 表示这将是团队这一阶段工作的重点——吸引车库主。 网站的 Terms and Conditions 为车库主和车库租赁者提供了一套完整的游戏规则。比如车库主要负责帮助租客照料寄存物,租客不能半夜去打扰车库主要求取回,取回日期要事先和车库主商定。
事实上想要更好地保障双方利益,Zhui有效的手段是诉诸保险。但是由于车库租赁还属于新兴行业,保险公司在定价等方面都还没经验,还没设计出相关保险产品。不过别担心,Airbnb 也经历了同样的过程。
We all have things we need to keep. Whether they are cherished memories, important documents, special purchases, or seasonal items, we often have more stuff than we have space. wants to help you with that. But, we noticed something. Self-storage facilities abound, but very often they are not the right solution.
 They may be difficult to get to. Or too expensive. Or hard to access, particularly if you have a car or heavy items to store. wants to help you with that, too. And, we noticed something else. With the rise of the sharing economy, people are finding that things they never considered assets – their homes, their cars – can be used by others for a small fee, and offer both sides of the equation a win-win. That is why exists. We want to connect those who have space they may not be using with those who could use the space.
We have created a marketplace where renters can easily find great places to store t

内容提要:StowThat is an easy, affordable, and safe way to store the things you care about in a local neighbor's ga Categories: Local, Real Estate, Property Management...




网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 华盛顿州西雅图市亚马逊(Amazon)公司数据中心

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