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在线协作式演示平台 www.realtimeboard.com

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RealtimeBoard is a cloud-based collaboration software, which allows you to discuss your projects freely on endless whiteboards.
1、Discuss web-site or product interfaces with your team. Add visual materials and screenshots, mark-up, leave comments in mini-chats;
2、Create simple sketches or complex infographics using shapes, texts and mark-up tools. Visualize any data and share it with others;
3、Upload pictures and drawings of interior and exterior, discuss your design projects with your colleagues and clients using comments and chat;
4、Visualize your taskboard and use it with your team. Create tasks with post-its, move them, leave comments – increase your productivity;
5、Plan and discuss your projects in RealtimeBoard – add your Google Docs and PDF-presentations, create mindmaps and collaborate in real time;
6、Use business model template to structure your business activity. Add files, texts, pictures, comments and work together.


1  美国(25.5%)
2  印度(8.4%)
3  俄罗斯(5.9%)
4  英国(4.9%)
5  日本(4.8%)

online whiteboard realtimeboard iconfinder whiteboard virtual whiteboard

网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 华盛顿州西雅图市亚马逊(Amazon)公司数据中心

  • 1 20世纪90年代流行文化网
  • 2 大众汽车行车记录应用
  • 3 易集网络收藏夹管理平台
  • 4 3D头戴式游戏开发公司
  • 5 哇塞网
  • 6 好友会面社交规划应用
  • 7 智能账单数据分析平台
  • 8 美国纽约内衣日官网
  • 9 音乐创作融资平台
  • 10 美国清风房车公司官网

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