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美国纽约内衣日官网 www.nationalunderwearday.com

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In an effort to publicly shine light on “unmentionables,” Freshpair founded National Underwear Day on August 5th, 2003. Over the last 10 years we’ve celebrated underwear by hosting New York City model events, massive underwear giveaways, a pop-up shop in Columbus Circle, and a Times Square runway show.
Throughout the years, thousands of people have written us and shared acts of confidence. We’ve heard from cancer survivors struggling to regain their lives, men and women suffering with poor body image, and young and old embracing their sexuality. This year National Underwear Day is about YOU.
As the founder of National Underwear Day, Freshpair understands that confidence is the byproduct of believing in one’s self. And this year we want more people to do just that. That's why we're inviting everyone who has ever doubted themselves to join us in attempting to break a Guinness World Record in Times Square. All you need to bring is your underwear.



national underwear day underwear day national underwear day 2016

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