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美国清风房车公司官网 www.airstream.com

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美国清风房车公司官网 直达网站 直达网站


公司房车产品已经形成完整的产品线,旗下产品具有Sport(运动)、Classic Limited、Panamerica(泛美)、Flying Cloud(飞云)、International(国际)、Victorinox Special Edition(瑞士军刀特殊版房车)6个拖挂式房车品牌与Interstate(州际)自行式B型房车品牌。
美国AIRstream品牌是AMERICAN ICON美国精神象征之一,其在中国取名“飛雲”。 AIRSTREAM 隶属于THOR索尔集团,世界Zhui大的拖挂房车生产企业。自1931年创立以来,基于创始人 Wally“没有改变,只有改良”的执着追求,该房车已经真正成为了一个美国的传奇。
In 1931, Airstream began with Wally Byam’s dream: to build a travel trailer that would move like a stream of air, be light enough to be towed by a car and create first-class accommodations anywhere.
Every inch of an Airstream has a function. Airstream is the most thoroughly tested Airstream in trailer history. Its engineering is the culmination of over 80 years of experience plus millions of miles on roads throughout the world.With Airstream, there is no planned obsolescence. Airstreams of the thirties are still on the road today, sturdy and modern as ever. They are intended as a lifetime investment in happiness.


1  美国(84.9%)
2  加拿大(3.2%)

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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 CloudFlare公司CDN节点

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