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在线足球社交网络平台是一个致力于世界足球爱好者在线互动交流的社区平台,帮助足球爱好者、球员、经纪人、教练、球探、足球俱乐部之间相互交流探讨。Rayleague平台内嵌自动语言翻译系统,帮助不同国家的用户进行语言翻译,解决沟通问题,目前已有40多个国家的足球爱好则入驻。出来在线交流外,还提供丰富的足球数据资源、视频、足球教学视频等。Rayleague is a free football social network. Create your profile and join thousands of users. Join Rayleague now and live your dream.Rayleague is the best football contacts social network that helps you to build up connections between the football major actors: players, agents, coaches, scouts, clubs, academies and fans. Rayleague is a free platform with thousands of users from more than 40 countries and available worldwide through the translation into the most widely spoken languages. Create your account now and start promoting your work. Rayleague - connects you to the football world.