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私人互联网文件搜索手机应用 www.getfindit.com

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私人互联网文件搜索手机应用 直达网站 直达网站

Get Findit:私人互联网文件搜索手机应用是一款帮助用户更快查找文件的 iOS 应用,关联 Gmail、Dropbox、Google Drive 等云服务之后,用户可以按照关键词、关联人、时间、文件类型等来查找文件。

同其他云搜索不同的是,FindIt 会按照人记内容的方式来设置查找流程,用户可以直接搜索要找的内容,或者按照人、时间和文件来查找,根据 FindIt 给出的过滤项,通过缩小范围找到自己想要查找的文件。FindIt 未来会采用 Freemium 的盈利模式,高级用户可以查找更多平台的内容,比如 Salesforce 等。
FindIt is the simplest and fastest way to find emails and files on your phone. Search in a visual way using people, timing, and file types. Search Gmail, Google Drive, and Dropbox at the same time!
Recently featured on TechCrunch and Mashable!
Finally there is a better way to search on your phone! Use the beautiful FindIt visual filters to quickly find what you need. Just select a person, time period, or type of file to narrow the results and find the file or email you are looking for no matter where it is across Gmail, Google Drive, or Dropbox.
• Stop feeling frustrated searching for emails and files on your phone;
• Find files from Gmail, Google Drive, & Dropbox with a single search;
• No more waiting while your phone searches through archived emails on the server;
• Feel confident you can find what you need when you need it;
• 30 free email or file previews each month to make sure you found what you were looking for.

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