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在线儿童创意教学平台 www.nanoogo.com

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Nanoogo is an online platform used by kids to write stories, create original artwork, and express their unique talents! It is meant to be fun, but we are serious about its educational value. Teachers are using Nanoogo in many ways to enhance classroom engagement while addressing the core curriculum.
The site is free to use for teachers and students. Teachers can create a class and assign projects, while students can enter the class or just begin creating on their own. A variety of projects can be created such as thinking maps and a variety of presentations that can be used to demonstrate mastery.
You can access a private teacher account on which you can manage as many classes as you’d like, and moderate your students’ posts. All you need is a computer and Internet connection, and you’re good to go!

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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 芝加哥Steadfast网络

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