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印度孟买镜报 www.mumbaimirror.com

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The Times of India is nation's leading media conglomerate with 45 dailies and periodicals in 3 languages and 108 editions from 9 centres and a combined readership of over 40 million. In fact The Times of India Group accounts for 30% of the measured ad spend in the country. We include in our stable The Times of India, among the top 2 English broadsheets worldwide; and The Economic Times among the top 3 English business dailies worldwide. The Times of India Group gives the highest reach among Indian decision makers, intelligentsia and the elite. The Group also has a range of 9 Business2Business publications from The Economic Times catering to industry segments as diverse as machinery and polymers. In addition its 16 Special Interest offerings are targeted at groups of consumers ranging from photography to education to annuals on beauty, fashion etc.
Established over 160 years ago, this group has entered the mainstream of Indian life in every possible way. A dynamic group, it has entered the 21st century as a complete media house, with a turnover that is the highest in the country It's new ventures include Times International Media Marketing with the role of attracting International business to India through a developmental approach. International Media Representation represents select mainline and business publications worldwide. With a network of over 50 offices ac


1  印度(90.5%)

mumbai mirror mumbai mirror epaper mumbai gautam berry

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