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在线实时文处理协作工具是一个基于Web的文字处理器工具,当多人同时编辑同一文档的时候任何更改都立即反映在每个人的屏幕上。该在线工具无需注册可直接使用。在平时办公的时候,需要多个人进行修改同一个文档,普通的模式就是一个人修改好以后再送给第二个查看并编辑修改,以此类推进行多次修改方能完成。有了在线工具,可以支持多个人同时进行编辑修改,并且及时生效。 is a web based word processor for people to collaborate in real-time.When multiple people edit the same document simultaneously, any changes are instantly reflected on everyone's screen. The result is a new and productive way to collaborate with text documents, useful for meeting notes, brainstorming, project planning, training, and more.Desktop Launcher for 1、Create new notes from your desktop;2、Quick open notes by typing their IDs into the smartbar;3、List all your and your team's notes pro only;4、Quick search and filter your notes list pro only;5、Works on Windows, MacOSX and Linux.