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图标Logo设计技巧分享网是有logo爱好者David Airey创建的博客网站,致力于分享一些logo设计技巧,logo设计资源及其logo欣赏等。如果你是一个Logo设计者或有兴趣了解Logo设计,毫无疑问你想看到一些很好的设计。Logo Design Love网站的Logo设计都来自Zhui好的Logo设计师,能够激发你的设计灵感。Logo Design Love创办于2008年1月,该博客通常会每周更新1-2次。Logo Design Love分享品牌设计大师的经验点滴,除了告诉你该怎么制作一个经得起时代考验的品牌识别,也详细解说要如何赢得知名大客户的青睐,从草图设计的制作要诀、怎么激荡出好的视觉商标、如何与客户沟通签约,到该怎么让客户点头接受你的大胆创意等。Logo Design Love is a website (and book) devoted to the design of logos and brand identities. Launched as a side-project in January 2008, the blog is usually updated once or twice a week.I’m David Airey, a graphic designer in Northern Ireland, and I publish most of content (although there are some top notch contributions along the way). If you’re learning about the design profession, I’ve been told this resource is useful