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机车世界冒险之旅社区 www.expeditionportal.com

美国 点击(1417) 全球(51347)

机车世界冒险之旅社区 直达网站 直达网站


Expedition Portal由Scott Brady创办于2005年,他同时也是Overland International公司的CEO。Expedition Portal由一个冒险经验丰富的团队经营,并且已经完成了七大洲的冒险旅行。随着陆路旅行的日益普及,Expedition Portal的会员和旅行路线不断扩充,已成为网络上流行的冒险旅行陆路资源库。
Expedition Portal is a community of expedition travelers intent on exploring the distant and remote places of the world. Society today encourages people to live life through the accomplishments of others, as shown on TV and in movies. The real challenge is to turn off the TV and explore the world around you, even if that means a day trip to the local mountains.
Expedition Portal is a community of adventure travelers, where the primary means of exploration is by 4wd and Motorcycle. Founded in 2005 by Scott Brady, CEO of Overland International, is operated by a team of experienced adventurers, our staff having completed expeditions on all seven continents. With the growing popularity of overland travel, has expanded in membership and content to represent the single-largest repository of online overland resources on the web. This includes 2,000+ feature editorials and over 1.2 million forum posts. Most know us as ExPo.


1  美国(74.6%)
2  加拿大(3.9%)
3  印度(2.5%)
4  澳大利亚(2.3%)
5  德国(1.8%)

overland vehicles overland forum expedition portal forum

网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 密歇根州兰辛市Liquid Web公司

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