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魔兽世界玩家资讯网 www.wowpopular.com

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WoWPopular tracks the most popular Talent Builds, Glyphs, Gear, Enchants and Gems used by players in World of Warcraft.
This site started in October 2008 as TalentChic.com with the release of the Lich King talent builds in patch 3.0. With the large revamping of talent builds, I wanted to know the most popular talent builds for the Warcraft classes I play. Rather than search the Internet for information on these classes, I decided to create a site that found the most popular talent points from the best characters on the Warcraft Armory and rank them according to popularity. TalentChic was born!
A few months later, Blizzard released Patch 3.1 and with it came Dual Specs and information on a character’s glyphs in the armory. I quickly set to scanning these too and GlyphChic.com was born.
As the scanner already needed to scan a player’s gear to find their play style (Raider, PvPer or casual Quest or Crafted gear holder), I found I had created a large database of the most popular gear, enchants and gems players used.
So I merged TalentChic and GlyphChic into a new site called WoWPopular.com and added new data for Enchants, Gear and Gems. I plan this site to be a one-stop-shop for not only players who don’t have the time to fully research what talents, enchants, glyphs, gems or gear to work on next – but also for players with lots of alts who, like me, ju


1  美国(44.4%)
2  英国(6.7%)
3  瑞典(6.1%)
4  加拿大(4.3%)
5  罗马尼亚(2.2%)

fire mage spec shadow priest talents holy priest talents monk pvp talents

网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 得克萨斯州圣安东尼奥市ServerBeach有限公司

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