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工艺品DIY创意平台 www.darbysmart.com

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工艺品DIY创意平台由前高盛银行家Nicole Shariat Farb 创立,总部在旧金山的创业公司希望能够通过销售有趣、易于对照的手工艺套件颠覆现有的工艺品行业,同时为业余爱好者提供动手平台。

Darby Smart 销售的 DIY 套件定价区间在24美元至44美元之间(包邮),这些商品均由 Pinterest 或相关博客上一些较为知名的设计师和手工艺创作者设计;作为回报,设计师将得到部分产品销售分成。手工艺行业的市场机遇非常得大,而对于诸如 Michaels 和 Hobby Lobby 等传统巨头迟迟不愿部署在线业务的行为她觉得相当费解。
Darby Smart 首款产品将是一只来自时尚杂志的手拿包套件,而全新的商品将以每隔3天的速度进行更新。Darby Smart 并无计划涉足按月订购业务,人们会因我们销售的惊艳商品而来,并不是因为信用卡被绑定而被迫返回。
At Darby Smart, leading designers launch simple DIY projects based on the latest fashion and home trends.We turn their projects into kits that include chic materials and simple instructions, and send them to you. Create a unique design and show off your style.
At Darby Smart, we put today's fashion and home trends at your fingertips. We know style's important to you and we know it's magical to create something of your own. We've got a fabulous community for designers who are constantly creating new projects. We turn their projects into DIY kits. With a Darby Smart kit, you can make and share your own style.
When you open your kit, we want your eyes to twinkle. When you finish your kit, we want you to feel proud. To achieve that, we work hard to find uniquely chic materials. We obsess on writing fun, simple instructions. We constantly think of ways to help you define your own personal style.
Making things on Darby Smart is fun. It's like being the fashion designer and the runway model all at once. You get to design your own jewelry, make your own purse.


1  美国(75.6%)

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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 弗吉尼亚州阿什本Amazon东海岸数据中心

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