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网站设计免费资源分享网 www.web3canvas.com

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网站设计免费资源分享网 直达网站 直达网站

网站设计免费资源分享网是一个提供网站模版、网站素材、HTML5 CSS3模版、UI设计、WordPress主题、PSD文件、jQuery插件、图形图标等资源的分享网站。

provides premium like templates and resources for free. Here you will get premium HTML5 CSS3 templates, UI elements, WordPress themes, PSD files, Jquery plugins, Graphics, Icons and more… for free!! Also we are providing tutorials, articles, giveaways etc. All of our resources are handcrafted by experienced professionals to maintain the quality. Also we have a Premium section having quality resources at reasonable price because all of the resources are coming directly from the makers.
The name “” originated from 2 words, “Web3” and “Canvas”. Web3 came from Web 3.0 (also means www i.e., w3 or web3) and Canvas from <canvas> tag of html5.
was founded by Surjith SM, Senior UX/UI Designer/Strategist from God’s own Country, India. Surjith has over 5 years’ experience in designing outstanding web-based products for consumer-oriented websites. He is passionate to learn new stuffs and like reading tech blogs and articles.


1  印度(29.4%)
2  美国(4.2%)
3  土耳其(3.0%)
4  巴基斯坦(3.0%)
5  伊朗(2.5%)

our team page our team design isometric photoshop action

网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 CloudFlare公司CDN节点

  • 1 免费图标素材搜索引擎
  • 2 在线图片字体识别工具
  • 3 在线图片美化工具
  • 4 在线免费文件扫描检测工具
  • 5 网站打开速度对比测试工具
  • 6 在线logo制作工具
  • 7 在线图片抠图工具
  • 8 韩国女性时尚购物平台
  • 9 国际目录式B2B外贸搜索平台
  • 10 免费互联网资源分享平台

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