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在线客户关系管理服务平台 www.nationbuilder.com

美国 点击(1610) 全球(17757)

在线客户关系管理服务平台 直达网站 直达网站


is the world's first Community Organizing System: an accessible, affordable software platform that helps leaders grow and organize communities to achieve great things. was founded in November of 2009 by CEO Jim Gilliam and launched in April of 2011. The company is located in downtown Los Angeles.
offers easy-to-update websites, a people database and communication tools like email, text messaging and social media - all in one system. Businesses, nonprofits, governments, and politicians use to organize their communities and build more meaningful relationships with customers, supporters, and constituents.


1  美国(54.4%)
2  印度(7.4%)
3  加拿大(6.7%)
4  法国(6.0%)
5  英国(4.9%)

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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 Akamai科技公司CDN网络节点

  • 1 在线品牌事项管理平台
  • 2 社会化信息图表视觉分析平台
  • 3 中文开源RSS阅读器工具
  • 4 网站负载量在线测试工具
  • 5 Ge.tt
  • 6 网站设计免费资源分享网
  • 7 免费图标素材搜索引擎
  • 8 在线图片字体识别工具
  • 9 在线图片美化工具
  • 10 在线免费文件扫描检测工具

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