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创业者在线教育平台 www.creativelive.com

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创业者在线教育平台 直达网站 直达网站

创业者在线教育平台于2010 年成立,旨在向创业者提供一些创业培训课程,内容涵盖摄影、商业、软件、设计、电影和生活方式等。

CrativeLIVE 利用这些工作室录制高清画质的在线课程,首次观看 CrativeLIVE 课程或直播是不收费的,只有当你想再看一遍,或下载课程的录像时,CrativeLIVE 才会收取介于 29 美元到 149 美元之间的费用.
目前已有来自200多个国家,近100多万名学生。每年 4 倍的收入以及 5 倍的课程数量,也使得其创始人有信心将 CrativeLIVE 打造成Zhui大的在线课堂。而一堂课平均也有近6万名学生,有些则高达15万。
creativeLIVE will help you grow your creative and entrepreneurial expertise. Learn from renowned professionals in photography, business, productivity, software development, design, film, video and more. Join us at creativeLIVE and get ready to expand your business, further your career or launch into a brand new field.

creativeLIVE’s instructors include New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling authors like Tim Ferriss, Pulitzer Prize winners such as photographer Vince Laforet, Emmy nominated directors like Gale Tattersall, Director of Photography of the TV series House, and such award-winning professionals as master photographer Sue Bryce.

Watch in-depth, live seminars for free in an interactive social platform. Ask the instructor questions, or connect with other course participants, via Twitter. Stay in touch after the seminar and become part of a community of dedicated creative professionals. If you missed a class or want to know more, you can purchase copies of each course at any time.


1  美国(36.1%)
2  印度(6.7%)
3  英国(5.4%)
4  加拿大(4.5%)
5  墨西哥(3.4%)

photography classes online photography classes 30 days of genius

网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 Merit网络公司

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