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在线爵士音乐电台是一个基于互联网的在线爵士音乐广播电台集合网站,包含50多个爵士风格的音乐广播,其中包括各种爵士风格、乐器、作曲、地区等让喜欢爵士音乐的用户收听他们喜欢的音乐。 is an all-Jazz radio station designed to showcase the exciting potential of Internet radio. It contains over fifty jazz channels based on categories of style, instrument, composer, region, decade and more. Each channel is further customizable by the option to "deselect" artists the listener would rather not hear. New subchannels are added frequently. The variety of channels and their customizable nature makes a radio experience unlike any other. comes to you from AccuRadio, a top-10 webcaster with over 400 channels and 400,000 unique listeners per month. There are over 20,000 songs playing on the many channels, and new music is always being added. The Main Channel reflects the most current jazz charts (JazzWeek and CMJ).