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在线虚拟化视觉词库 www.visuwords.com

美国 点击(2899) 全球(207168)

在线虚拟化视觉词库 直达网站 直达网站


Connect words visually, according to their semantic relationships, with this playful dictionary. Visuwords produces an interactive node graph network.
Web site Visuwords defines and displays relationships between words in a fast and effective graphical map of meaning. When you first search for a word with Visuwords, you'll see the word pop up in the center and nodes pop out from there for each meaning of the word. Each of those nodes will spawn their own relational nodes, connected by lines that indicate meaning (for example, a red diamond indicates an antonym), and double-clicking any of those nodes will expand your tree of meaning from that point. Visuwords is a quick visual dictionary-and-thesaurus-in-one tool that offers a fresh and useful way to look at words, understand meanings, and find new ways of saying what you're looking to say.


1  美国(31.2%)
2  印度(13.8%)
3  英国(5.5%)
4  俄罗斯(0.9%)

visual thesaurus visualthesaurus visual words visual thesarus visuwords

网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 华盛顿州西雅图市亚马逊(Amazon)公司数据中心

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